Solution snapshot

Kanarys is revolutionizing Diversity & Inclusion across the business world. What was once seen as a novel approach to recruitment and retention has rightfully become a chief concern for recruiters and human resource managers the business world over. Kanarys was poised to completely upend this staid industry, but their chosen technology partner quite simply wasn’t getting the job done. Work was slow, there was no transparency and the collaboration was strained. Enter ENO8 – we performed a stack assessment and committed to not only rescuing the project, but supercharging what was possible for Kanarys as a company

Industry: Software + Human Resources
Services: App assessment, project rescue, app develop/redevelop, testing, quality assurance, release, continuing service
Platform: Web Application


  • Strategic consulting
  • Incumbent app assessment
  • Project rescue
  • App rehabilitation
  • Feature expansion and augmentation
  • DevOps
  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous delivery


  • AWS
  • MySQL
  • php / Symphony
  • Node.js

The challenge

Kanarys’ product managers — like most product folks — were concerned with two things: publishing the right features, and publishing those features quickly. With their prior technology partner, neither was happening.

Kanarys’ product roadmap was stalled, which meant the entire company was stalled.

ENO8 had to dramatically increase transparency, speed and reliability into the feature and product release process. The incumbent vendor deployed everything manually; this is slow, buggy and prone to errors throughout the process. ENO8 needed to both expedite feature publishing as well as automate significant chunks of the process to begin solving the core pain points. Now, product releases happen on a weekly basis where it used to be monthly or once every other month.

The solution

ENO8 performed both a comprehensive technology stack assessment and a due-diligence process to obtain certificates, keys, access passwords and incumbent code base. From there, we allocated a dedicated ENO8 product team to work exclusively with Kanarys to refine and clear backlog. We summarily addressed Kanarys’ deepest pain points with their prior partner – speed and transparency in DevOps. We moved them into a CI/CD workflow (continuous integration / continuous delivery) so they could see new features and updates published in near real time while dramatically increasing delivery velocity. CI/CD solved both the speed and transparency hurdles. Finally, Kanarys can now easily, rapidly and with full visibility add, adopt or tweak functionality or features on an ongoing basis to respond to partner requests and requirements.

The Impact

With dramatically faster feature delivery timelines and continuous visibility into their product, Kanarys has been able to turn sales conversations with prospective clients into big deal wins far more regularly than before. Large clients can provide product feedback and Kanarys + ENO8 can deliver new features and functionality quickly enough to win that business. And, as Kanarys has been able to win more and more deals, they’ve been able to turn those successes into increased capital raises. Their publicity and access to capital have both increased dramatically in the last two quarters – without the platform and products to back that up, it’s likely much of these big victories would not have been possible.

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