"Why Iteration is not Innovation"

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Hayes Software has served the education market for nearly 30 years. Based in Austin, TX, one of Hayes’ core competencies is enabling educators and school districts to track all their assets in real time – how many projectors, televisions, computers, etc. a school or district has, where they are, etc. Having helped corner this market, though, meant Hayes’ technology stack eventually became outdated enough that platforms no longer supported their Windows mobile solution. Hayes approached ENO8 with the intent to build a native iOS and Android app to push them into the future confidently.

Industry: Software + Education
Services: App assessment, UI/UX design, app rebuild, QA, testing, release
Platform: XAMARIN

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Hayes Software Systems is a company founded by an educator who believed in impacting the lives of students by supporting school district staff. The inventory experts at Hayes software have been serving schools for nearly 30 years. Asset management is an ever present challenge for educators and administrators alike — Hayes Software helps schools and districts manage those assets with ease, transparency and control.

Hayes Software’s mobile app, though, was built on an outdated Windows mobile protocol and needed a makeover.


Originally, Hayes Software approached ENO8 with a request to build an iOS and Android solution from the ground up. They wanted ENO8 to perform an app assessment, then scope out how to best rebuild (or build from scratch) a modern, flexible solution for Hayes Software’s core product. But, Hayes did not have native iOS or Android developers on their full time staff, meaning any solution ENO8 built natively would require Hayes Software to hire outside partners or contractors to keep the apps humming.


ENO8 began with a deep dive into the existing code of the Hayes Software platform. Our architect came to the conclusion that the code was in surprisingly good shape considering the age of its platform. That set off a lightbulb within the ENO8 strategy team: what if we could harness Xamarin instead of native iOS and/or Android to make use of the existing clean code and APIs, all while saving our client a sizable amount of money?

We pitched Hayes Software on ENO8 updating the code base to .NET core, followed by us building the front end as a Xamarin app; that would allow us to accomplish the client’s goal (but at probably a 30-40% discount to the cost of rebuilding those apps natively from scratch).


ENO8 was able to salvage what was working from Hayes Software’s existing solution and rebuild it for the future, all while costing Hayes 30% – 40% less than if ENO8 had simply rebuilt the application in native iOS and Android. Furthermore, Hayes Software had Microsoft developers on staff, meaning a Xamarin app built on a .NET platform allowed Hayes Software to service and update their app without having to hire outside partners or contractors.

Hayes Software came to us with a particular ask, but because of the expertise of our team, we were able to identify a much more efficient and cost effective approach to the solution (even though it meant that it was a smaller project for us than what they were asking us to do). Our partner-first mindset allowed us to build a killer app for Hayes Software at a significant discount all while empowering them to service and update the solution over time, all on their own.

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