Why a Product Owner Should Be Your First In-House Hire
When you’re an early-stage software startup, making your first in-house hire can feel like a pivotal moment… because it is one! We get this question allll the time: “Help! Who should my first in-house hire be?! And that’s for good reason; there’s a lot on the line — product vision,... Read More
by Jeff Francis
How to Waste Half a Million Dollars a Year Developing Software
If you’re the head of digital or the lead software stakeholder in a company, the buck stops with you when it comes to software development… heavy wears the crown and all that. But one of the biggest obstacles to doing that job efficiently is your team’s burn rate. Especially if... Read More
by Jeff Francis
Can Your IT Project Name Help You?
Even the smallest aspects of a software project can help you go a long way. For example, the project’s name. Your project’s name isn’t typically a priority when it comes to a stakeholder’s decision. However, in some instances, it could just be the winning factor that seals the deal. Does... Read More
by Jeff Francis
Mobile shopping trends and how to improve the customer experience
Have you been keeping up to date with mobile shopping trends? In 2021, mobile shopping makes up a huge percentage of online sales and enables people to access your online store wherever they are. No matter what you’re selling, having a presence on mobile is crucial to keeping your audience... Read More
by Jeff Francis
Social Proof And Digital Products: An Important Collaboration
The Importance Of Social Proof For Your Digital Product Social proof is the backbone of many purchasing decisions. For customers looking to buy a product or service, it makes a lot of sense to look at what other people are saying about it. Social proof is much more than just... Read More
by Jeff Francis
Genderless voice AI could provide major step in combating implicit bias
Voice assistants are the interface of the future, but they're all female. Why a genderless voice AI might be a fairer and better option: Read More
by Jeff Francis
How one NY Times writer tested out an AI diet
There's no end to fad diets — paleo, keto, Whole30, you name it. But is the ideal diet actually individualized? The AI diet indicates yes. Read More
by Jeff Francis
What Alex Honnold and ‘Free Solo’ can teach you about business
Alex Honnold's free solo of El Capitan might be the most impressive mental+physical accomplishment this century — here's some takeaways Read More
by Jeff Francis
Four things we shouldn’t be thankful for… but are
For Thanksgiving, I wanted to share four things I'm (still) thankful for... that most people wouldn't be. Have a happy holiday! Read More
by Jeff Francis
Why a cutting-edge industry is going old school to recruit and train talent
Cybersecurity is one of the hottest and most cutting edge industries in the world. Why is it turning to an old school employment tactic? Read More
by Jeff Francis
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