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Why you should be using design thinking to develop digital products

I wish the news coming out of startup-land were better, but unless you’ve pivoted to A.I. in some way, funding is tighter, budgets are shrinking, layoffs are in the news every other week, job searches are taking forever… it’s grim. (Not to mention the fact that too many of those... Read More

Escaping the IT Frankenstack (No Pitchfork Necessary)

Software developers and Victor Frankenstein have one thing in common — the exceptional ability to bring a shambling patchwork of odds and ends to life and somehow make it work. If you find yourself at your wit’s end trying to manage the unholy IT “Frankenstack” you and your team have... Read More

Can Your IT Project Name Help You?

Even the smallest aspects of a software project can help you go a long way. For example, the project’s name. Your project’s name isn’t typically a priority when it comes to a stakeholder’s decision. However, in some instances, it could just be the winning factor that seals the deal. Does... Read More

3 Reasons Users Abandon Apps

Users abandon apps for good reason. Luckily, app owners can do something about it. Here are a few reasons for user attrition and remedies to prevent it. Read More

When and Why to Code Audit Your Software

Technology is fast-paced and constantly changing. Your app or software may be equipped with the most-cutting edge and advanced technology at the time it’s built, but with rapid innovation in the tech world, no one can guarantee how long that title will last. All types of technology and software are... Read More

9 Software Startup Founder Quotes that Inspire

Thinking of launching a software startup? Heed this advice from successful software startup founders who have paved the way! Read More

5 Software Developer Red Flags to Watch Out For

If you know what to look for, you can spot a shoddy developer early on. Learn how to recognize software developer red flags! Read More

Is Your Software Idea a Product or a Feature?

A feature is short-lived and easily absorbed by competitors. A product can stand alone and can weather copycats. Is your software idea a product or a feature? Read More

5 Reasons to Press Pause on a Software Development Project

Remember the Staples “EASY” button? We like to joke that during the software design and development process, there should be a similar button handy. Except instead of saying EASY, it would say PAUSE. During software creation, it’s easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees. Both the tiny... Read More

Do They Love You? Building a Software MLP

There’s no easy way to say it – most software development standards are far too low. In lean software development (a methodology designed to minimize company waste and maximize customer value), the minimum viable product (MVP) is the goal. Minimum viable product refers to building the app or software such... Read More

Is Your Software Development Timeline Off Track? How to Know.

Software projects, whether built in-house or by a development partner, often run long. Not only does this usually equate to a more expensive product, a delayed project can mean being beaten to market by a competitor. Poor planning that prolongs software development timelines is costly and can be a reason... Read More

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2/3 of software projects fail. Our handbook will show you how to be that 1 in 3.