Software Development Insights

Why Practical Founders Don’t Need VC Funding to Succeed

How many $50MM exits have you read about in the mainstream business press? Even regional business publications don’t highlight what I’d call huge wins enough. You read about unicorns. If you’re not taking on hundreds of millions in funding and exiting / IPO’ing for billions, you’re seemingly forgotten. That dynamic... Read More

ChatGPT will remake software development — here’s how

The biggest story in tech right now isn’t massive layoffs… it’s ChatGPT (and Bard, but really… ChatGPT). Will it take all of our jobs? Maybe. Probably not. Hopefully not. Will we end up like Neo in the Matrix? I highly doubt it. But what it absolutely will do? Upend the... Read More

A full rebuild — how do you know it’s time?

At a certain point in any software product’s lifecycle, the question has to be asked: Is it time for a full rebuild of our software? It may not be in a month or a year or 5 years… but eventually, the question has to be asked. No software product exists... Read More

Developer Confidence: How Much Do You Trust Your Dev Team?

Developer confidence is a fickle beast. Too much confidence in your development team can lead to a lack of strategic oversight and shoddy QA. Too little confidence, and you’ll end up micromanaging your team to death. But either way, developer confidence is crucial to the success of any software development... Read More

How to Waste Half a Million Dollars a Year Developing Software

If you’re the head of digital or the lead software stakeholder in a company, the buck stops with you when it comes to software development… heavy wears the crown and all that. But one of the biggest obstacles to doing that job efficiently is your team’s burn rate. Especially if... Read More

How to Get Buy in for Your Software Project

If you’re a product manager or product owner (or in the case of early-stage startups, the founder or CTO), one of the biggest hurdles to doing your job well is getting sign off for software projects. No matter what level of the company you’re in, if you’re responsible for product... Read More

Change Your Mindset Before You Build Software in 2023

Minimum viable product is the old way to measure software readiness. This no longer fits the modern software consumer or app user. We suggest you look at software differently - your success depends on it! Read More

Your Software Launched, But is it Successful? 8 Questions to Ask.

It’s easy to say that software must meet the users’ needs. Developing lovable software is a lot more challenging. It can take months of planning and development, thousands of lines of code, and many different features. But have you created something worthy of being called successful software? Here is how... Read More

Escaping the IT Frankenstack (No Pitchfork Necessary)

Software developers and Victor Frankenstein have one thing in common — the exceptional ability to bring a shambling patchwork of odds and ends to life and somehow make it work. If you find yourself at your wit’s end trying to manage the unholy IT “Frankenstack” you and your team have... Read More

Can Your IT Project Name Help You?

Even the smallest aspects of a software project can help you go a long way. For example, the project’s name. Your project’s name isn’t typically a priority when it comes to a stakeholder’s decision. However, in some instances, it could just be the winning factor that seals the deal. Does... Read More

3 Reasons Users Abandon Apps

Users abandon apps for good reason. Luckily, app owners can do something about it. Here are a few reasons for user attrition and remedies to prevent it. Read More

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